From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Deep dive: EEVEE tips

Deep dive: EEVEE tips

- [Instructor] Let's dive into Eevee. if you haven't already, change your render engine to Eevee. I'm going to left click and drag this little area to give myself a little bit more real estate. I'm going to drag this over as well. Hit T to hide the tools, for now, and right click and drag down on this corner to make my camera fill up this whole area. Then I can hit home to make sure that my camera fills all the edges of the view port. Then I can come up here and click on the render button. Eevee, right away, makes a really pretty image. Also, let's go to a point where our little Gourd is happy. Let's say there. Now let's take a look at some of the more popular settings, over here on the right. Like ambient occlusion. Now, this scene is actually pretty well lit, and it's pretty small. So you won't really notice a lot of ambient occlusion, but let me look over here on the right. And you can kind of start to see it…
