From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Creating your first sculpture

Creating your first sculpture - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Creating your first sculpture

- [Instructor] Blender Sculpting is just as fun as Grease Pencil. It allows you to take a digital lump of clay and manipulate it in any way you want. Now, like before, if you're a little uncomfortable with drawing and sculpting, don't worry. We're here to play and learn. There's no judgments. It's just a journey. To activate this mode, go to File, New, Sculpting. Just like in Grease Pencil, you're greeted with a brand new layout of options and tools and menu items, but don't worry. It's all pretty much the same thing. On the left, you have tools and I can move my mouse right here, left click and hold and drag out. And I can get an idea of what these tools are called. At the top, you'll still see our similar menu options. And of course if I just left click and drag, I can start sculpting. Now I really want to bring an image in here so I can have some reference. Now in this case, what I want you to do…
