From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Creating your first objects

Creating your first objects - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Creating your first objects

- [Narrator] Now that you have a good idea on how to navigate the interface and what a 3D cursor is, let's go ahead and use it. If I go ahead and click on Add, Mesh and let's go ahead and add a Sphere. You can see that my sphere is inside of my cube. I know that because there is this orange highlight and this is telling me that this is my currently selected object and that inside of this cube is a ball. However, if I went ahead and shift + right clicked over here, or again, if you want to just use the 3D cursor button this way, I can now go to Add, Mesh, UV Sphere. And see that it added a 3D sphere over here, off to the left, or really wherever you have your 3D cursor. Let's go ahead and add another object. I'm going to shift + right click over here. And instead of clicking on the Add button, I want to get used to shortcuts. So I'm going to use shift + a on my keyboard. I have the exact same menu that I have up there,…
