From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Creating your first materials

Creating your first materials - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Creating your first materials

- All right now, let's go ahead and give gourdy some colors. The first thing I want to do is select the gourd and then come down to the bottom right where you see this beach ball and click on it. I always like to have a little bit more real estate so I'm going to open up this panel. Now right away you can see that this gourd has a material already applied to it. If for some reason you don't see any material you can go ahead and click on new. I'm going to undo that however, because I already had a material here. Next come down to base color. And here you can change this color to anything you want. You're not seeing anything update in the view port though, to do that we need to go to material preview mode right here. Now I can come down to base color and change this color to whatever I want. Remember, animation is an art so it doesn't necessarily have to look exactly real. You could have a blue gourd for example. I think…
