From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Common animation tools

Common animation tools

- [Instructor] Now that you've created this awesome animation, let's take a look at some of the animation tools that'll help refine it even further. This whole scene is going to get really crowded. So I'm going to click on the armature. Go to my little running dude. And turn off show names. Next, I'm going to zoom in here and click on my root. Go halfway between say, 30 and 60, and about 45. Click on the root. Click breakdowner. And then left click and drag. Breakdowner allows you to favor one key or the other. Maybe you want 10% of the previous key and 90% of the other one. You can do that right there and left click to set that key frame. Now, when my character goes up, they'll have about 10% of that previous key frame, 90 of the next key frame, and then fall right back down. Let's go ahead and click play. I'm going to click on this key frame and hit delete. Also if you're having trouble getting the exact frame…
