From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Turning up the heat with fire sims

Turning up the heat with fire sims - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Turning up the heat with fire sims

- [Voice Over] Let's turn up to heat with a fire simulation! Let's go ahead and delete this cube and then go to Add, Mesh, and go ahead and add a monkey. Click on Subdivision and open this out a little bit. And let's add just one level of subdivision and apply that. Now go to Object, Quick Effect, Quick Smoke. And before it goes away, on the bottom left open this up and click on Smoke & Fire. If for some reason you've already clicked away, don't worry just go ahead and click on Suzanne in the outliner. Go to Physics, which is the circle with the dot and make sure your flow type says Fire + Smoke. From here, go ahead and click play and you have a pretty awesome monkey, on fire and smoking away. Let's go ahead and go back to the beginning and click this domain and make it really big and then move it up. Now from here, go to Object, Apply, Scale. Come back to the beginning and click play. Now, depending on the speed of…
