From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Track footage in Blender

Track footage in Blender

- [Instructor] One of the coolest things you can do in Blender is to track footage that you filmed with say your smartphone and then overlay 3D items right on top of it. Let me show you. Let's come over and click on file New VFX. We don't need to save this. Let's go ahead and click Open. Navigate to your exercise files and Assets and look for VideoTracking.mp4. Or if you want, you can go ahead and use your own smartphone footage as well. Click on Open clip and let me zoom out and just click Play. You can now admire my backyard garden. Exciting I know. Now in order to turn this into a 3D scene we need to tell Blender to track items. In order to do that, you can go ahead and click on add here on the left and then zoom in and find an area of high contrast, especially if they're corners. This one looks good. I sometimes like to hit S to scale it up in G just to finesse it a little bit. You can also go ahead and…
