From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Texture painting in Blender

Texture painting in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Texture painting in Blender

- [David] Before we begin texture painting, I want to talk about what I did to clean up this model and add a little bit more unwrapping and seams. The very first thing I noticed is when I went over to Object Mode and checked my object properties, that I had scales all over the place and I was even rotated a little bit. So, I went over to Object, Apply, All Transforms. You want to make sure you do that after you have applied your mirror modifier. It's okay to leave the subdivision modifier on though. Now coming back to my material over here, and you can go into Edit Mode, and I decided to hide the texture over here on the left. You can leave it on, but it proved a little difficult to see if my UV islands made any sense, so I just turned it off. But don't worry, it's still there, and it's still connected to my 3D model. Another thing you want to check for are internal faces. Let's go back to the previous file really quick…
