From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Solution: Render your first animation

Solution: Render your first animation - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Solution: Render your first animation

(electronic jingle) - [Instructor] All right, everybody. You most likely left your computer cooking and it went ahead and rendered all of these beautiful images over the course of a few hours and everything is looking great. But now, how do you turn all of these images into a video that you can send your friends and family? Let me show you. There is one thing I want to cover right before that, and that's just a couple of little gotchas that might have happened while rendering that you might notice after the fact. The number one thing that even got me was not baking out the cache for your smoke domain. If you went ahead and saved this file in a new directory or you grabbed your animation file and moved it to another directory and then clicked on render, render animation, you might notice that the smoke is not working. Go ahead and click on the physics tab and scroll down and make sure that you have your…
