From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Solution: Put your lunar scene together

Solution: Put your lunar scene together - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Solution: Put your lunar scene together

(upbeat electronic music) - [Instructor] In our previous video, we pasted the lunar surface into a brand new file. From here, I want to go ahead and delete that cube that's right in the middle that we don't need. So go ahead and click on delete. Now we need to go ahead and add all the other objects into the scene, so let's go ahead and file, save this one. Go ahead and save it somewhere where you'll remember it. And now let's go ahead and open up our astronaut. If you have access to the exercise files, you can find my refined astronaut in the Chapter Two, Video Four folder. Here's our good ol' astronaut looking pretty great. Go ahead and click on it and go to Object, Copy. Back on your lunar surface, you can go ahead and go to Object, Paste Objects. Now I do have a couple of astronauts that I brought over: the original sculpt and the newer version. Let's just go ahead and leave them right here for now. Next, we need to…
