From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Solution: Animate your astronaut

Solution: Animate your astronaut - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Solution: Animate your astronaut

(bright music) - [Instructor] Congratulations on animating your very first character inside a Blender. Now, I'm going to be honest with you, this took about four hours to animate. It's a very simple animation, but you just get lost in tweaking and adjusting all the little things inside a Blender, so let me show you what I went ahead and did. Let's go ahead and pause the animation and come to about here, say 140 or so. You can often hide your controls just by clicking on these buttons. Makes it a lot easier to work with. I ultimately ended up using quite a bit of controls inside a Blender. And I used the mixture of a dope sheet and the graph editor. When you're initially setting your animation, you try to find very key poses. For example, this pose right here was really key, so I went ahead and hit I. And then a little bit later, moved everything over and then hit I again. Now that I had those two key frames set up,…
