From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Sculpture painting in Blender

Sculpture painting in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Sculpture painting in Blender

- Introducing Blender 3.3, sculpture painting mode allows you to paint on vertices. Now what does that mean? Well, over here on the left, we are painting on pixels. This is an image and we're just painting pixels on that image that get represented right here on our 3D model. However, let me go ahead and undo that and go to sculpting mode. And as always, if you don't see it, you can add a new workspace by clicking on the plus, general, and going to sculpting. And then from here, let's go ahead and pull out this side, and scroll down and look for paint. On the right if you don't already see it make sure you've turned on this active tool, workspace settings, and change the color to anything else. And now you can start painting. Let's turn up the strength a lot. There we go. And you can see that there are some similar tools, but there's also a lot of interesting new ones like mixing with wet. However, we also do have…
