From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Rendering with EEVEE

Rendering with EEVEE

- [Instructor] Welcome to rendering. Over the course of the next two videos, we're going to talk about the two render engines available in Blender, Eevee and Cycles. Let's get started with Eevee. Come over here and click on your render settings, and you can see it says render engine, Eevee. If I click on this little render button, you can see the things actually look pretty good. Eevee is a real-time renderer. That means it uses a lot of tricks to make things look really good, really fast. But it does leave a little bit of room for improvement. Let's drag this up and take a look at some of the settings that we can play with. I'm going to zoom in my camera, and the first thing I'm going to do is turn on ambient occlusion. Now, at first you may not notice really anything, and admittedly, ambient occlusion is a very subtle effect. You can actually see it right behind the feet here. It just adds a little bit more darkness.…
