From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Rendering with cycles

Rendering with cycles

- [Instructor] Let's talk about rendering with Cycles. Cycles has been with Blender for a very long time, and in the Blender 3.0 series, it had some significant upgrades like Denoising and faster GPU rendering. Let's take a look. Remember how initially I had said that we have a scenes up here? Well, this is a good time to explore them. Let's go ahead, and where it says scene, I'm just going to rename this to EEVEE, and then I'm going to click this little icon, and I'm going to go with linked copy. Now it's going to call this EEVEE.001. I'm going to rename this to Cycles. Where it says Render engine, and if you don't see it, it's under your render properties right here, render engine cycles. Now here's the cool thing. I can click on this little scene icon, and go back to EEVEE, and you can see all of my scene is preserved. The only thing different are my settings. That is super, super helpful. That's why I love using…
