From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Refining Rigify with weight painting

Refining Rigify with weight painting - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Refining Rigify with weight painting

- [Instructor] One quirk that you might notice is whenever you open up a file that has a Rigify armature that's been generated, you'll see this pop-up appear. This is an indication that this file has a Python script that automatically runs the moment you open it. And you have two choices here. A, you can click on Allow Execution, but every time you open up this file and any subsequent files that have Rigify rigs, you'll get this pop-up, or you can go to Permanently allow execution of scripts and then click Allow Execution. I'm going to go ahead and do that, as I know that this is safe, as it's generated by Rigify, which comes from the Blender Foundation itself. Now, a couple of things, if you don't see a rig, or it looks black, or you're not sure where it is, be sure to click on these big arrows and then go to Pose Mode. From here, you can select your Move tool and go ahead and move your rig around. Now, I have to…
