From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Refining lighting in Blender

Refining lighting in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Refining lighting in Blender

- [Instructor] At the beginning of this course, we talked a little bit about lighting, and now in this video we're going to go a lot deeper. By default, when you click on blender and open a file, it often comes up gray like this. You can go ahead and click material preview to get a rough idea of what things might look like, but if you click this little carrot, you can see it's just using a default world. that's included with Blender. Some grass, trees, and a nice sky. Basically everything looks flat. Now if you click on this icon, this'll take you to the render preview or just about what you're going to see when you finally render all of this. Let's click on our world, which looks like a little globe right here. This is our world or what fills the background. You can turn the strength down to zero and make it completely black or super, super bright. You can even attach your own imagery, like high dynamic range…
