From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Preparing your objects for animation

Preparing your objects for animation - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Preparing your objects for animation

- [Instructor] Before we begin animating we need to add an armature to our scene. This allows us to attach our 3D objects or character to a skeleton and move the skeleton around. However, before we add an armature, we need to prepare our 3D model for animation. There are a few things we need to check. The very first is to click on the blue modifiers, and see if there's any mirror modifiers left. You want to make sure that you've cleared all of those out. Next, you want to see if there's any weird gaps or holes. And in this case, you can see that there's one with the gloves. So let's go to object properties. If I go ahead and click on the backpack, you can see that the backpack, the gloves, all have different values, but the shoes and the backpack have the same value. They should all have the same value because they were all separated from one main object initially. So clearly, the hands got moved over a little bit. So…
