From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Modifying objects

Modifying objects

- Now that we've going to had in added some pretty cool objects, let's go ahead and play with Modifiers. I'm going to go ahead and select this Monkey right upfront. And over here on the right, you'll see that a little blue Wrench appeared. Now, if you don't have a mesh object, I'm going to recommend you go ahead and make one like a Monkey or a Cube. As this next part will only work on the mesh objects. Let's go ahead and click on this blue Wrench over here. And then click on add Modifier. Modifiers are non destructive order of operations things that you can add to your object. What that means is you can delete a modifier and it will not destroy the original object. Unlike say, if you went into edit mode and started moving edges and faces around. Modifiers are a stackable thing, you can go ahead and add multiple, you can put them in any order and your original object will always be intact. There are four categories,…
