From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Linking and Library Overrides

Linking and Library Overrides - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Linking and Library Overrides

- [Instructor] One topic that we should address as you continue on your Blender journey is the concept of file linking and library overrides. Let me show you. Let's pretend that we had this scene right here. And we're going to get rid of this cube by hitting Delete. And Add, Mesh, Plane. And maybe hit our Scale and make it kind of big. So now we have a very nice little set. Let's say I wanted to go ahead and bring in that astronaut character that we've been working with the whole time. What's the best way to do it? Could I copy and paste it into the scene? Yes, I could. But if you're working with multiple people on a project or if you want to update the character on its own and have it propagate throughout all of your animations, then you're going to need a new solution. Enter in file linking. Let's go to File and click on Link. Navigate into your Exercise Files' Assets folder. And within here, you're going to see a…
