From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Having fun with fluids sims

Having fun with fluids sims - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Having fun with fluids sims

- [Instructor] Let's have fun with fluid simulations. Over the course of the next two videos, I'm going to show you how fluid simulations can be used inside of Blender. In this one, we'll take a look at liquid simulations like water and honey. And in the next video, we'll take a look at heat simulations like fire and smoke. Now, it's really easy to add a liquid simulation to your scene. Make sure your cube is selected, and go to Object, Quick Effect, Quick Liquid. And there you have it. Now go ahead and click on play. You can see that our simulation is occurring. Where it's blue, that area is moving a little bit slower and where it's warmer, green or red, that area is moving a lot faster. You're also going to see that there is an orange box and a black box. This orange box that's currently selected is called a domain. This is where Blender is doing all of its fluid simulation calculations. We can't have an…
