From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Creating your first materials in Blender

Creating your first materials in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Creating your first materials in Blender

- [Instructor] Let's come back to our astronaut in the lunar surface and add some materials to the scene. Now, to make my life a little easier I'm going to go ahead and hide a few things on the right. First, I'm going to turn off the logo just by clicking on this eyeball. Then I'm going to click on the sphere back here, turn this off. And click on my astronaut, which is currently called plain, and turn that off. Finally, I'm going to click on my lunar surface and then go to shading and I'm going to zoom out. Now this is our lunar surface and this is the shading preview mode. If for some reason you don't see it, you can always click on this plus button and go to general shading. Now, I like to refer to this as the "red beach ball" down here in the bottom right, and this is your surface or your material that is applied to your object. Now because we're using geometry nodes, we actually need to do one more thing…
