From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Creating concepts with Grease Pencil

Creating concepts with Grease Pencil - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Creating concepts with Grease Pencil

- [Instructor] To access the 2D drawing tools, you want to come up to file, go to new, and click on 2D animation. Now, from here, you have a lot of options available to you but the first thing you need to do is just hold down left click and just start drawing. Now you can see right away you can create some pretty cool shapes. Now if you have a Wacom tablet like I do it'll use your strength right here. So if I turn it off you'll see I get it really nice and hard or I can just modify the strength and play that way. Let's open this up a little bit and let's click on fill. And you might say to yourself, wait a minute it's not really filling anything, is it? It's just creating a line here. Well that introduces the unique way that grease pencil works. So let's go here to the right side and left click and drag this to get some real estate. There's two things to consider here. The very first is what your layers are and…
