From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Creating cloth in Blender

Creating cloth in Blender

- [Instructor] One of the first simulations you can do in Blender is Cloth and it's quite easy. Let's go ahead and add a plane, and then click on the Move Tool and move it up. That way our plane is sitting above our box. Click on Scale and let's scale it out some. Now, Blender really likes it when your scales are set to one, and you can see right now I have mine set to five. So what we need to do is apply our scale. So go ahead and go to Object, Apply, Scale, and now you can see my scale is one again. Course, if I wanted to make it bigger, I could do that. I just need to make sure that I always apply my scale when I'm done. Next, we need some resolution added to our mesh. If I go to Edit Mode, I can see I only have four vertices, so this cloth is not really going to deform that well. So let's go to Add Modifier, Subdivision Surface, Simple, and turn this up to six. From here, I can click Apply, go into Edit Mode, and…
