From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Create your first sculpture

Create your first sculpture - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Create your first sculpture

- Now in the previous video, I encouraged you to go ahead and create a 2D drawing, but if you want you can go ahead and use this one that I just created of this new astronaut inspired by the new NASA astronaut outfit. I even exported it as an image so we can use it as reference. Now to go into sculpting mode, we need to go up to new, sculpting, and you'll be greeted by this really different looking blender view but don't worry, we're just in sculpt mode. And you can go ahead and just start sculpting right away. But before you go too far, I recommend you go to object mode, add, and go over to image, Reference image. Once you click there, you'll be greeted by the new blender file view and go ahead and navigate to exercise files, chapter two, video three, astronaut drawing reference, and just load the reference. Click on your Move tool, click on this back here and now you can move your reference anywhere that you need. You…
