From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Create your first objects

Create your first objects

- [Instructor] Creating an object inside of Blender is where you start to really pull some of this magic together. So let's go ahead and make something. You can click on Add or hit Shift+A, and select from any one of these kinds of objects. Let me go over them really quick. Meshes are three-dimensional objects, like this monkey that we just added. You might have noticed by the way, that when you add a 3D object, that it comes all the way to origin, right in the middle. You can always click on the Move Tool, and move that object out of the way. There we go. Let's go back to Add. So meshes are 3D objects. They're made up of points known as vertices, edges and faces. Curves are a little bit more esoteric. They're just mathematical curves, and you can edit these points, and turn them into 3D objects later. Surfaces are an extension of Curves. They are almost quite literally connected 3D curves that allow you to…
