From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Create a landscape with Geometry Nodes

Create a landscape with Geometry Nodes - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Create a landscape with Geometry Nodes

- [Instructor] Now that we have a character and a logo, we need a landscape to put our astronaut on. So we're going to use the new geometry nodes system to create the lunar surface. Let me show you. It's going to help to have a brand new file. So let's go to a file, new general. From here, look on the top of your workspaces and look for geometry nodes. If you don't see it, you can always go ahead and click on plus and then general, geometry nodes. From here, click on it, and you'll see you'll be greeted by this new interface. I'm going to just drag this over to the left to get some more real estate. And with my cube selected, I'm going to go ahead and click on new. Now, right away, nothing happens but this is where all the magic appears. Here we can go ahead and delete this initial object and add a completely new one. There are a lot of nodes that we can add and connect, so we're going to cover a few of them. I…
