From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Challenge: Render your first animation

Challenge: Render your first animation - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Challenge: Render your first animation

(bouncy music) - [Instructor] All right, everyone. We've reached the final challenge for this course. In this video, I want to challenge you to go ahead and render your animation. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Isn't it Just simply render, render animate?" And you would mostly be right. But let's take a look at a few other settings. The biggest is right here. Do you want your output to be in this directory? Do you want to set the file format to something different? Maybe you want to come over to compositing and adjust the final look a little bit. It's all up to you. But when you feel ready, go ahead and render your animation.
