From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Challenge: Put your lunar scene together

Challenge: Put your lunar scene together - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Challenge: Put your lunar scene together

(quirky music) - [Instructor] It's time for our chapter challenge. In this chapter, you went ahead and created a character. Then we learned about how to create a logo, and how to create the lunar surface using geometry notes. For this challenge, I want you to combine everything that you've learned and put it all together into a single Blender file, that is a single Blender scene. And while you're at it maybe you can add some other interesting objects like a planet in the background. I'll give you one hint. You can click on any object and you'll note that it has an orange highlight around it. It's usually a bright orange highlight. You can see if I have two objects selected, one of them is going to be a darker orange. The brighter orange is the one that most commands will affect because it's the last thing you selected. But in this case, I just want a single thing, just a surface of the moon. From here, make sure you're in…
