From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Arrange your Blender scene and add materials

Arrange your Blender scene and add materials - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Arrange your Blender scene and add materials

- [Instructor] Now that you've gone ahead and learned about how to add modifiers and objects to your scene, let's go ahead and refine our scene a little bit more, so that it'll look great when we go ahead and render it. Go ahead and click on this camera icon. This lighter shaded area is what you will see when you do the final render. So knowing that anything outside in this dark gray area will not be seen, we can go ahead and rearrange, rotate, and move our objects so that they feel like they line up and have a great composition. Let's go ahead and do some of that. One weird thing you might notice with metaballs is that they often don't let you select all of them. So I like to use the outliner and click on the other metaball objects and you can still zoom out to get a little bit of a wider field of view and just get them back in here. You should note though, however, if I'm zooming in and out, that doesn't mean I'm…
