From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Add lights and render your scene

Add lights and render your scene - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Add lights and render your scene

- [Instructor] Now's the time we've all been waiting for, lighting and rendering your scene. Now let's take a step back. What is lighting and rendering. In terms of 3D, lighting is what gives light and shadow to your 3D objects and your 3D scene. And rendering is a process of taking all of that information and generating a still 2D image. In order to do that, we need to do a few things. The first is the most obvious. Click on add and go to light. You have four kinds of lights. So let's start with a point light, and move it up. Here we go. In order to preview this, we're going to want to come all the way up to the top right and click on this final button, viewport shading. Now by default, blender actually includes another light, and that's right here. It's also a point light, so now you should have two point lights in your scene. One a little bit weaker and dimmer than the other. If you click on the default…
