From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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3D modeling in Blender

3D modeling in Blender

- [Instructor] Now that you've gone ahead and sculpted out your first character, let's go ahead and explore the edit mode tools and see how we can refine this 3D mesh so that we can use it for animation. Now a couple of things. I'm not the best sculptor in the world but I took a little bit of time to make this character. So if you want to start with this space feel free to open it in the exercise files. Next, you might notice that it's really hard to get hard edges, and yet it's really nice to get some really bumpy flowy surfaces. I tend to use sculpting and blender as a way to quickly sketch out ideas and explore thoughts before I commit to actually 3D modeling the thing in more detail. All right, now let's go ahead and open up a new workspace. A workspace is a way that blender organizes your view. If I go ahead and click on this plus button up here I can go to general layout. And now you're greeted by that familiar…
