From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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Stay focused on what is important

Stay focused on what is important

- Well, we've learned a lot about balance scorecards and key performance indicators. Have you found any way to use this information to help you in your personal life? - Yes, I have. - How? - Well, it's right here. See this? This is my personal balance scorecard. - You have a personal balance scorecard? - Absolutely, this is where I keep track of a few key measurements every day to make sure I'm doing the most important things in my life. - Give me an example. - Okay, I'll give you an example, right here. Right here, I write down my weight every morning. - You just weigh yourself and write it down? What else? - Well, right here, I make a little mark each day to see if I've read a story with my daughters. See, I have two daughters, 14 years old. - And how does that influence your behavior? - All right, well, when it's getting late at night, there are always lots of things that I could be doing around the house. I could be…
