From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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Measuring driver turnover and retention

Measuring driver turnover and retention

- So, we're at the daily 8:00 am meeting of the CEO and top executives of XYZ Trucking. We're going to look at four key performance indicators or KPIs. These are four numbers that are going to dramatically influence the way people behave, and how they spend their time on a daily basis. The first measure, driver turnover. Specifically, this is the number of drivers who quit the company yesterday. Remember that driver compensation is by far the largest operating cost for XYZ Trucking. I am told that driver turnover is a major concern for all trucking companies. I have heard of one trucking company for which the goal of annual turnover is 72% for the drivers. I am told that this company is always above 100% turnover for the year, and that this is normal for a trucking company. I spoke to another trucking company executive, for some reason I know lots of people involved with trucking who confirmed that his company is…
