From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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Frameworks for measuring performance

Frameworks for measuring performance

- For several years, you were the associate dean in charge of faculty at our business school at Brigham Young University. - That's correct. - So you were kind of my boss. - Well, I wasn't kind of your boss, I was your boss. - Right, so a big part of your job was overseeing the evaluation of faculty performance. - Correct. - So tell us the one number, the one single measure that you used to evaluate the performance of business school faculty. - Well, there isn't just one number. In fact, the evaluation of faculty involves looking at their performance in three distinct areas. - Three areas? What are those three areas? - Research, teaching, and citizenship or service. - So there isn't just one number that you use to decide which faculty get raises, which faculty get terminated, or which faculty get promoted from say assistant professor to associate professor? - Nope, we look at measures of performance in each of those…
