From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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Consequences of certain measurements

Consequences of certain measurements

- Recall the Soviet oil drilling contest, which illustrated the important concept that you get what you measure. If you measure something, then people will naturally focus on that thing. Well, let me illustrate this with an example of business and law school rankings. There are a number of rankings done by various publications that identify the top business schools and the top law schools. I, myself, am proud to state that I have long been a visiting faculty member at the Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA Program, which has been ranked number one in the world six times. These rankings are prominently featured in recruiting brochures, communications with alumni, and in press releases. That is, they are prominently displayed if they're good, but when a top business school or a top law school falls out of the top 30, you suddenly find the school talking a lot more about the quality of life, the comradery among the students,…
