From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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A trucking business overview

A trucking business overview

- We are going to do a case study of the impact of key performance indicators or KPIs in the trucking business. - This little case, for a hypothetical company, XYZ Trucking, is adapted from some information and measures of a real trucking company. - We thank our colleague, Professor Don Livingstone, for providing some of the information we have used in constructing this little case. - [Man On Left] So here's the case. XYZ Trucking is based in the United States. It focuses on short to medium-length trips, the average length of a trip about 540 miles. - [Man On Right] XYZ targets service-sensitive customers. It's not focused on price competition. The company accepts only full trailer loads. So it drives to a customer location. The customer loads whatever it wants into the trailer. And then the XYZ trailer takes that load to the designated location. - No detours for picking up other loads. No splitting of the trip among…
