From the course: B2B Sales Strategy: Winning Plays for Big Contracts

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Sales proposals: Avoid missteps and create a strong bid

Sales proposals: Avoid missteps and create a strong bid

From the course: B2B Sales Strategy: Winning Plays for Big Contracts

Sales proposals: Avoid missteps and create a strong bid

- [Narrator] When it comes to large B2B complex opportunity proposals, there are many forms to consider. Proposals can be a finalist presentation, a response to an RFP or a request for proposal, or a standard, but most likely more in-depth proposal. The play is to improve your proposal approach, resulting in more contracts. Put yourself in the role of an account executive who wants to improve your proposal-to-contract-close ratios. Recently, a few of your proposals have resulted in a prospect stall. We've all been there, but it's disheartening to say the least. You decided to put the topic on the next sales team meeting agenda so that the entire team could explore the common proposal missteps and strategies to avoid in the future. The team decided that the most common proposal misstep is failing to engage the prospect in the development of the proposal. The team agree that they usually develop their proposals in…
