From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Working with the ViewCube and the Navigation Bar

Working with the ViewCube and the Navigation Bar - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Working with the ViewCube and the Navigation Bar

- [Announcer] We're in a new drawing for this particular video and it's called Simple 3D Object.dwg. And it's exactly what it says on the tin. It is a drawing that contains a Simple 3D Object. When you are working with full AutoCAD and I hasten to stress full AutoCAD here, not AutoCAD LT you can work with 3D solids and 3D objects in 3D design. You can't do that with AutoCAD LT because you don't have the 3D interface. AutoCAD LT is in essence, AutoCAD light. So it's a 2D drafting tool only. So if you are using AutoCAD LT, this particular video doesn't apply to you. So we've opened up our Simple 3D Object.dwg file and what we're taking a look at here is how we work with things like the view cube and the preset views and the navigation bar. Now what I'd like you to do first is just pop up here to the top left corner. Can you see where it says "top" and "2D wire frame"? Now at the moment we're working in 2D wire frame so…
