From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Working with the file tabs - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Working with the file tabs

- [Instructor] We're starting a new chapter now and we're going to take a brief look at using the AutoCAD interface a little further. And for that reason, we've got a new drawing for you for this chapter. It's called groundfloorplan_rev3, R-E-V3. Just make sure you've downloaded the appropriate drawing, open it up in AutoCAD and make sure you're in the model tab for this particular chapter. Now, when I say investigate the AutoCAD interface a little further, there are some new features available in the latest version of AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2024 and that's the version I'm using for this particular course. Now, some of the technology I'm going to show you works with older versions of AutoCAD, but also I'll clarify which bits are specific to AutoCAD 2024. So we're going to take a look at the tabs in AutoCAD. Now these are the file tabs and we're also going to touch on the model and layout tabs a little bit as well but it's predominantly the file tabs. Now you'll notice we have a file open in AutoCAD obviously and you'll see the file tab here ground floor plan rev three. I want to hover over it, you can see it's a great big long file path. Please ignore that, that is just basically where the files are for this particular course. But you'll notice, look, when I hover over the model tab, hover over the layout tab, hover over the layout two tab. Can you see they're all there when I hover over them? And can you see the tabs at the bottom left of the screen change as I hover over them as well? So the file tabs are incredibly useful. Notice as well, I can plot and I can publish from any of these tabs. There's plot and there's publish for each one. So if I click on the ISO A one landscape it automatically takes me to the layout tab down here. There you go, ISO a one landscape. And I can then click on the model tab and I'm back in the model tab again. So that's the file tabs. Now there are some other little bits of technology there as well. You'll notice there's a plus sign. If I hover over that, that will allow me to open up a nude blank drawing using a standard blank template. And I can also go back to the start tab. Whenever you start up AutoCAD, you get the start tab like that where you can go to recent files you can open files, start new files, ex cetera. You can also see here where it says, welcome Sean, I'm signed into my Autodesk account with my email address because that allows me to use my subscription version of AutoCAD. Let's go back to the ground floor plan, rev three tab, like so, now that's all the technology that you get in all of your versions of AutoCAD. Going way back now, there is some functionality on the tabs now that is 2024 specific and it's these little three lines here that highlight in blue when I hover over them. And these little three lines here, that highlight in blue when I hover over them. So for file tabs, it's a really useful one when I click on the three lines, I can go to the start tab or my drawing tab as we did earlier. Notice it highlights again, I can start a new drawing which relates to this here. I can also go new open, save all and close all if I want to. So that's quite a nice little feature and I can just hit escape there to lose that menu. Down here with the model and layout tabs, if I click on the little three lines again, I've got a new menu in AutoCAD 2024, I can create a new layout which is also the little plus sign here, I can go from template. I can go into page setup manager, select all of my layouts. I can also dock above the status bar and in line with the status bar for my tabs here. And I've got Model ISO A one Landscape and Layout two. So if I click on ISO A one Landscape, it opens up the ISO A one Landscape layout tab, and then I click on the model tab and I'm back in the model tab again. Now these little tabs might seem fairly insignificant but you will be using them on a day-to-day basis where you are using your drawings in AutoCAD.
