From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Working with multileaders

Working with multileaders

- [Instructor] We're staying in our MetalPlate_002.dwg file. And in the previous video, we set up our multileader styles. And in this video, we're going to place our multileaders and adapt our table to highlight the multileaders as well. Now just before we do that, jump to the Home tab on the ribbon or the quick access toolbar. And what you want to do, is we'll pop our multileaders on the dimensions layer for now. Make that the current drafting layer. And then, I'm going to jump back to the Annotate tab because I've got all of my controls here for my multileaders in the Leaders panel. Zoom in on your Plan view. This is where we're going to place our multileaders, so that they appear nice, and neat, and tidy on the Plan view, showing anybody that interprets our drawing, which hole type is which. So I'm going to go up to Multileader, like so, and that creates a multileader object. It's asking for the arrow head location.…
