From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Working with coordinates

Working with coordinates

- We're staying in our drawingaccurately.DWG file. And as you can see, I've left it in the same state as it was at the end of the last video. See, there's the rectangle that we created using the grid and snap function down on the status bar. Now what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to select these lines that you've drawn. Click on each one, get the little pick box in the crosshair over it and left click each time like that. So that's selected all four of your lines. And then just right click on the mouse and you'll see the shortcut menu changes, it becomes a contextual shortcut menu based on what you're doing, because you've got some objects selected, now you've got some extra tools on the shortcut menu. I'd like you to click on erase like so and that erases the lines that you've previously drawn. And then just roll back on the wheel, a couple of notches like that. And you might even want to just double click on the…
