From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Working with cloud-based storage

Working with cloud-based storage - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Working with cloud-based storage

- [Speaker] We're starting a new chapter now, and I'm going to take you into the collaboration tools that you can use when you are working with AutoCAD. We're working in an environment now where we can utilize things like the cloud and various tools in the cloud to work with our drawings in AutoCAD. AutoCAD provides you with some Autodesk specific tools where you can work in the cloud. And also, you can work with other cloud-based providers, such as Microsoft, who provide OneDrive and Google, who provide Google Drive, and there's Dropbox and Box and various other cloud-based provisions out there. Now we've got a new drawing for you. It's called GF-1031 SE Madison_CLOUD.dwg. So when you download it from the library and open up the drawing, you know which one it is. It's got the cloud suffix before the DWG file suffix. So you know that it's your cloud-based drawing that you're going to be working with. Now…
