From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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What you should know before watching this course - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

What you should know before watching this course

- [Instructor] So here's what you should know before you start this AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training Course. Ideally you should have already taken the Learning AutoCAD course. There is a Learning AutoCAD course in the library that allows you to learn the basics of AutoCAD before you move on to this deeper dive in the essential training course. This essentials course dives deeper into AutoCAD. So, as I said, the Learning AutoCAD course gives you that basic level of knowledge. This essentials course allows you to dive deeper into those aspects covered in the Learning AutoCAD course and more. So there's a whole load of stuff in this essentials course that allows you to dive really deep into the methodologies and working practices you'll experience when you're using AutoCAD. This course provides you with all the necessary skills to use AutoCAD. When you come out at the end of this course you should be a rounded AutoCAD user.…
