From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Traces to collaborate (AutoCAD web)

Using Traces to collaborate (AutoCAD web) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Using Traces to collaborate (AutoCAD web)

- [Narrator] We're staying in AutoCAD on the web and I want to show you one of the features in AutoCAD on the web. That is a really useful collaboration tool. So what we're going to do is in the drawing area here I'm going to do a little bit of zooming and panning just like I would in the regular AutoCAD. I'm going to zoom in on these two dimensions here the 2, 3048 dimensions. And then what I'm going to do on the left hand side of the AutoCAD web screen is go to Traces here. Like so. Now there are no traces in this drawing yet but we're going to use the trace functionality in AutoCAD web and AutoCAD desktop to collaborate on a drawing. Now what we can do here is create a New Trace. So I click there like that and it takes us into the trace mode here, Like so. Now what I can do here is I can utilize the existing AutoCAD drafting tools. So I've got certain draw tools annotate tools, modify tools, and so on. So I've got…
