From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using the WBLOCK command

Using the WBLOCK command

- We're staying in our new office project .DWG file. And as you can see, I've zoomed extents so that we can see all of the new office layout. Now at the moment you'll remember we've got this work station block here. Now the other ones over here, remember we exploded them, and we didn't bring them back they're just original objects there so chair, plant, et cetera. Now, it may be that you are working with many many incidences of the same block, you know hundreds of the same block, especially if you're working on a complex floor plan with lots of work stations. Let's say you've got 600 work stations on a floor plan and you want to change all of those blocks in one go, but keep a reference of that change in a separate drawing file. Well, you can do that using the Write Block command, the W Block command, and it's Write Block, as in W R I T E as in writing with a pen. You're writing the block to its own separate DWG file.…
