From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using the Traces palette to collaborate (AutoCAD desktop)

Using the Traces palette to collaborate (AutoCAD desktop) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Using the Traces palette to collaborate (AutoCAD desktop)

- [Instructor] We're back now in the desktop version of AutoCAD rather than the web-based version. And what I'm going to do now is go to my AutoCAD Web and Mobile folders and open up the updated cloud-based drawing. Now remember, we made the changes in AutoCAD on the web in the previous video. So I go up here to the quick access toolbar and I want to go to Open from Web and Mobile and there's my AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training folder and there's my Southeast Madison Cloud.dwg file. So I select it and I open it. So that'll open up quite happily now in AutoCAD on my desktop. There's the file name at the top of the screen. You wouldn't know it was a cloud based drawing, and that's the magic of it. However, I can check whether that trace has been added to this cloud-based version of my drawing. I go to the Collaborate tab here and you'll notice I've got the Traces Palette. When I click on that, it should let me know that…
