From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using the EXPLODE command

Using the EXPLODE command

- We're staying in the officeproject.dwg file and I'm just going to zoom in a bit so that we can see what we're doing with our work stations here in the cubicles. Now there will always be that particular time when you need to explode a block back to its original objects. So at the moment, as you can see, these are all blocks. That's a block, that's a block, that's a block. We're going to go to the Home tab on the ribbon, into the Modify panel, and click on this icon here, Explode. And we've used it before. I'm going to click on the blocks though this time, one, two, and three. And when I press enter, they are now exploded. They don't look any different, but you'll notice now that they're exploded back to their original objects, like the desk, the chair, the plant, et cetera. And so are these ones here as you can see. Now, you don't need to worry about losing your workstation block. It's still in the drawing. So what…
