From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using the Count functionality to check the number of objects in a drawing

Using the Count functionality to check the number of objects in a drawing - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Using the Count functionality to check the number of objects in a drawing

- We're in a new drawing now called "New Office Project_FINAL_dwg," and this is the second drawing management tool that I want to show you in this particular chapter, and basically, it's a really cool tool that allows you to count all the blocks in your AutoCAD drawing. Now, the drawing itself is pretty simple. It's an office layout. It's got various blocks in it. If we go to the View tab now, on the ribbon, and click on Count here in the Pallets panel, that will open up the Count Pallet. Now, I'm just going to pan across a little, like so, so you can see all of the new office project floor layout there, and you can see that all of the different blocks in the drawing are numbered. Now, this is really quite useful because what this is letting me know is how many of these blocks are in our drawing. So, I can count four chairs. So, I've got one, two, three, four chairs. How many desks? I've got one, two, three. How many…
