From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Stretch and Lengthen

Using Stretch and Lengthen - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Using Stretch and Lengthen

- We're staying in our Office Layout 3.DWG file. And we're going to take a look now at the lengthen and stretch commands. If you zoom in on the executive office the bigger office here you'll notice there's a little purple line just there, like so. And that's our carpets boundary. You'll notice, say when you hover over it it's just a very simple line and it's on the carpets boundary. Now what I'd like to do if you just do a little bit of zooming and planning is take this purple line all the way over to the wall edge here. Now I could use the Extend command that we've covered previously, but I don't want to. I want to show you the Lengthen command. That's up here on the Modify panel, on the Home tab, on the ribbon. Click on the fly-out there and just pin it open. It's a lot easier. Then the fly out part of the Modify panel doesn't keep popping back into the ribbon. The Lengthen command is this one here and it…
