From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using real-time zoom and real-time pan

Using real-time zoom and real-time pan - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Using real-time zoom and real-time pan

- [Instructor] We're staying in our groundfloorplan.dwg file. And up until now we've obviously been adding new geometry, to the drawing, adding our tables, adding our landscaped area, adding our nice wiggly curvy spline wall as well. Now what we're going to look at now is another way of zooming and moving around the drawing, and it's based around the Right Click shortcut menu on the mouse. And it's incredibly useful when you're doing a lot of closeup work and you're going in and out, zooming in and out of your drawings. So with no commands or objects selected, just Right Click, and you'll see on the shortcut menu you've got pan and zoom. That's realtime pan and realtime zoom. Click on pan first. You'll see the hand appear like we've used pan before, but the hand is open, so you move the hand to where you want it to go in the drawing, hold down the left hand mouse button, it grips the drawing and it pans from that point.…
